As commercial litigators, we frequently field calls from counsel in other states seeking to enforce judgments entered in a state...
From a Litigators Desk: Managing a Non-Performing “Partner”
Thousands of businesses across the United States fall within the definition of what is commonly referred to as “small...
Supreme Court Finds Title VII’S Requirement to File a Charge of Discrimination is not Jurisdictional
Reprinted with permission from the June 21st edition of The Legal Intelligencer. (c) 2019 ALM Media Properties. Further duplication...
Pennsylvania’s New Arbitration Act: What Non-Litigators Should Know
On July 1, 2019 arbitration agreements in Pennsylvania will be governed by the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act (RUAA). RUAA...
Reasonable Accommodations: A Jury Verdict Provides Practical Lessons
Reprinted with permission from the April 19th edition of The Legal Intelligencer. (c) 2019 ALM Media Properties. Further duplication...
Employer’s Potential Liability for Third Party Harassment
The increased attention to sexual harassment in the work place is reflected in the increasing number of sexual harassment...
From a Litigator’s Desk: Dealing with Personal Guaranties in Business Control Disputes
One of the trickiest issues we deal with in business control disputes relates to the impact and management of personal...
A recent case from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit demonstrates the ongoing struggle to apply...
Navigating Noncompetes Part III: Employees, the Restricted Parties
In the last segment of this series, we focused on concerns for employers in drafting and enforcing restrictive covenants. The...
From a Litigator’s Desk: Keep Your Business Laundry In-house
Business partnerships are like marriages; sometimes they work great from the start and before you know it you are celebrating...
From a Litigator’s Desk: Please Don’t Buy That House in Joint Names If You Are Not Married!
Unmarried people in relationships cohabitate all the time. The stigma our parents warned us would follow really no longer applies. That...
Employers——Protect Your Employees’ Data – Or Else!
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has recently held that an employer may be liable to its employees for a data breach...
New Year’s Resolution: Update Your Estate Plan
Now that the hustle of the holiday season is over, everyone is looking forward to the new year. January tends...
Navigating Noncompetes Part II: What Employers Should Consider
Part 2 of our Noncompete Series will focus on employers. Noncompetes, when well drafted, are a powerful tool to protect...
Using a Special Litigation Committee to Assess Shareholder Derivative Claims
In the corporate setting, it has long been the case that a shareholder can assert a claim on behalf of...
The Holidays Are Almost Here – Plan Ahead for Custody Considerations
It seems that Labor Day has just come and gone, but the snow is already moving in and the holiday...
From a Litigator’s Desk: Sometimes You Have To Just Blow It Up
Many of our previous posts delve into the benefits of resolution of a commercial or shareholder dispute without litigation. Cost,...
The Eight Corners Rule and the Liability Insurer’s Duty to Defend
Regardless of whether you are a liability insurance provider or the person being covered by a liability policy, a threshold...
A recent Washington Post article proclaimed that “even janitors have noncompetes now.” New Jersey and Pennsylvania are considering legislation to...
Owner Liability – Piercing the Veil
A corporation or limited liability company provides multiple advantages to business owners which is why business lawyers so frequently recommend...
What is a contract: Part 2: Offer, Acceptance, Consideration: What’s in it for you?
This post continues my series explaining the main elements of a contract, which are outlined on the attached infographic. My...
Reprinted with permission from the August 18th, 2018 issue of The Legal Intelligencer. (c) 2018 ALM Media Properties. Further duplication...
Before Signing That Commercial Lease – Have You Reviewed it with Counsel?
As a business owner, after spending countless hours researching and visiting commercial space, and finally finding the right location, you are often...
Probate vs. Nonprobate Property in Your Estate – Your Will is Not the Only Way
So you have finally wrapped your head around the fact that you need to create an estate plan in order to...