Welcome to AMM Law

The legal maze can be overwhelming and daunting but our goal is to demystify the process with our blog.  At AMM, we provide legal services to both businesses and individuals.  The topics selected are timely legal headliners as well as general issues our attorneys face in our diverse areas of practice.  The blog represents only the authors’ opinions and perspectives and we hope to provide useful information and tips addressing your concerns—for businesses and individuals.  We welcome your comments and suggestions to create a dynamic forum that will be of interest to readers and participants. 

The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case. Further, nothing in this blog should be construed as creating an attorney-client relationship. It is not intended to be a full and exhaustive explanation of the law in any area. The law is complex and is subject to change and varying interpretations. This information is not intended as legal advice and may not be used as legal advice. It should not be used to replace the advice of your own legal counsel. Please consult with your own legal counsel regarding the state of the 

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